Friday, August 29, 2008

today at the friday prayers....

late comers stand through the sermon...

and the good boys get to sit...
walazikurullahi akbaru... all rise!

phewww.... it's finally over!

hurry lets go... it's lunch time!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

don't throw anything away....


how can we stop littering the oceans?

life cycle of a plastic bottle...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

umbrella dilemma...

boys try to hold on to belt-less shorts and their umbrellas.... on a rainy day...

woops... shorts won't stay up... hey take him with you.......

waaat... i can't hear you....

busted... the camera...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

everything's blue on board the dhoni to guraidhoo...

land ahoy!

we're all screwed....

'coz we're all nuts...


Friday, August 15, 2008

butterfly in the park

photowalk 888... the photos

half-a-mile of photos along the edges of male' in half-an-hour

come mister tally man tally me banana...

how can we stop this....

... and this?

few flowers still remain....

rope maze

who's lucky bbq are these gonna end on...?

market place blues...


please visit Photowalking Maldives for more from the 888 Photowalk