free-market capitalism is either fatally flawed or requires stronger regulation, says 74% of over 29,000 adults surveyed across 27 countries, by Globescan for BBC marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall...
(click on the charts below for the full details and inferences from the survey...)

true! whether people think or not, the free market capitalism is flawed due to its very own mechanism. Creation, Regulation and manipulation of moneytary values.
Your posts and photos are wonderful, it is so bright and full of soul and spirit and life. You are an artist I think.
This information about capitalism is great stuff.
On my blog page, you spoke sarcastically about "liberty," and I really felt what you said as the truth. You implied that what the West gives in the name of liberty is slavery, and I love your sense of justice for saying that, all heart to you for that.
The liberty of the working classes of the world is at odds with the liberty of the middleclasses, (the owners of businesses.)
I read a book by an African American sociologist who said that the term "liberty" in the Western world came from Greek background and meant you were not a slave but a slave owner if you were free...
So yes, what is meant by liberty in my context is the liberty of the opressed and the working classes of the world. I believe there should be justice for Maldivian workers like the resort workers union is pushing for as well as for, dare i say it, the Bangladeshi ex-pat's.
By liberty, I mean that noone should live in fear. Yet in particular I have the working classes and even the "under-classes" in mind, those who are too sick to work, those who may be physically or mentally unwell for whatever reason. I burn with a fierce passion to see justice, to see liberty for the oppressed...
The Muslim terrorist is well publicized and should rightly be struggled against. But the brutal, dehumanizing, degrading manner the workers of the world are treated by the "liberals' who run oil companies or businesses of any sort make the economic liberals also terrorists in my opinion, I have been brutalized by their terror also.
i am very sure that what Shadow runner has in mind is the liberty of the down trodden...
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