Happy Friday..?? indeed!!
MALDIVES TO ACCEPT THREE TORTURED, DE-HUMANISED, STATELESS AND INNOCENT GUANTANAMO BAY VICTIMS!.... GOD BLESS ANNI!!!i don't know why was listening to Prez Anni's weekly radio address to the nation today, for the first time ever... but i did, and i almost couldn't believe my ears... read/listen to Anni's address
in my opinion, this is the most important human rights gesture our government has made to date... of course there ought to be strings attached... as other so-called Muslim Nations either refuse to accept their own citizens or threatens them with more detention and torture upon their return... read/watch more about the plight of Sami al-Haj the Al-Jazeera camera-man who was released from Guantanamo Bay after more than 6 YEARS of physical, psychological and sexual abuse....
at time when US Pres Obama u-turns on several of his campaign promises, icluding the one to close these torture chambers by january... instead, he doubles the campaign of aerial bombing sovereign Pakistani territory, killing innocent families in their sleep, wiping out entire villages, from DRONES remote-controlled by 18-year-old gamers sitting somewhere in the middle of the Nevada Desert... read/watch more on this on "Wired For War"
shouldn't Obama be tried for WAR CRIMES, rather than awarded some prestigious PEACE prize???
today, i'm proud to be Maldivian!!
(photo: from My Flickr)
This is good news. but i wonder how the general public will react to this. Maldivians are not really known for respecting the rights of others.
Yes Obama is making u-turn, and is using exact same bush tactics
good news and Maldivians are sure to treat fellow brothers in islam well.
It's a touching gesture, an example to the rest of the Islamic world.
And yeah, Obamas Noble prize..it's more of a noble error. He's just using the same tactics used by Bush to annihilate the Muslims, only difference being all the sugar coating.
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